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August 23, 2010 FDL County Finance, Personnel and Economic Development Committee

Finance, Personnel and Economic Development Committee
Date: 8/24/2010 4:00 PM
Location: Government Center, Rm H
160 S. Macy Street
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935


1. Call meeting to order.

2. Approve minutes of the August 17, 2010, meeting.

3. Citizen input.

4. Presentation of 2009 Annual Financial Report by Schenck, S.C

5. Cash on Hand & Investments for July 2010 - Julie Hundertmark,
County Treasurer

6. Determine final list of In-Rem #40 foreclosure properties - Julie
Hundertmark, County Treasurer

7. Review and approval of WCA Legislative Resolutions

8. Discuss Campbellsport garage site alternatives

9. Discuss services provided by East Central Regional Planning
Commission and possible county membership

10. Approve bills.

11. Next meeting date.

12. Future agenda items.

13. Adjournment.