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July 15, 2009 Fond du Lac County Air Quality Tip for July

Air Quality Tip of the Month for July
Save Gas at Home and Work

We Americans love our cars, so we don’t like to hear that our cars
damage something else we really love: clean air. Even so, most of us
wouldn’t consider leaving our cars at home. Fortunately, with just a
few simple lifestyle changes, we can satisfy both our loves:

* Do several errands in each car trip
* Stop at the “click” when pumping gas
* Tighten your fuel cap
* Eliminate idling

These changes save gas, and less gas means fewer emissions, which are
a major contributor to air pollution. Everyone can make these
healthy-air changes, at home and at work.

For example, Ottery Transportation, Inc., of Armstrong, has a fleet of
about 80 trucks that haul liquid food-grade products. Shop Manager Jim
Pierquet says that about a third of their trucks now have Auxiliary
Power Units that allow resting drivers to use heat or air conditioning
without turning on the engine. Timers on the engines prevent them from
idling longer than three minutes when parked. Previously, truckers
would have to run their engines to keep their cabs cool (or warm)
during rest breaks.

Similarly, Sadoff & Rudoy Industries, LLP, of Fond du Lac, uses a
computer program that helps them chain trips, track mileage and size
vehicles to match the load. They measure costs – per ton, mile and
hour – to maximize efficiency, fuel savings and air quality in their
scrap-metal recycling business.

The July Healthy Air Tip is a project of the NEW Air Coalition, a
group of representatives from Fond du Lac County government, business
and education working together to improve air quality and the health
of county residents. Share your air quality best practices and learn
more about countywide efforts at