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Office of the Secretary 2811 Agriculture Dr., Madison, WI 53718-6777
Contact: Jane H. Larson (608) 224-5005

MADISON–Groups of farmers and local governments interested in
preserving areas of farmland can now request an agricultural
enterprise area or AEA designation from the state agriculture

An AEA identifies land that is locally targeted by farmers and by
local government for agricultural preservation and agricultural
development. Once designated, these areas enable eligible farmers to
enter into a farmland preservation agreement with the state to claim a
farmland preservation tax credit. Local governments can add to these
incentives to
further promote farmland preservation and agricultural economic
development in their communities.

The state may designate a maximum of 15 AEAs or 200,000 acres by
January 1, 2012, and one million acres statewide after January 1,

“Agricultural Enterprise Areas are part of the Wisconsin Working Lands
Initiative that was included in Governor Doyle’s budget and are a
unique way to identify areas important for agricultural preservation.
They are also critical for encouraging future agricultural development
in areas that have support from the local community,” said Secretary
Rod Nilsestuen, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and
Consumer Protection.

To receive designation, a petition must be jointly filed by at least
five eligible farmers in the proposed AEA, and by each county, town or
municipality in which any part of the proposed AEA is located. If the
petition is selected by the
department through a competitive evaluation process, the area must be
officially designated through Wisconsin’s rule process. After
completing the expedited rule process, designation goes into effect
January 1 of the following year.

Prior to submitting a petition, farmers or local governments are asked
to contact Coreen Fallat at
[email protected] or (608) 224-4625 for additional

Interested parties must complete the petition form available on the
department’s web site at

Basic criteria for the petition:

The petition requires a minimum of five eligible farmers and all local
government in which any part of the proposed AEA is located to provide
The proposed area must be located in a farmland preservation area
identified in a certified county farmland preservation plan.
Parcels in the proposed area must be contiguous (although the land
owned by the farmer petitioners need not be contiguous).
The proposed area must be primarily in agricultural use.

There is no minimum acreage requirement for submitting a petition,
although the state will give preference to areas that are at least
1,000 acres.

“Agriculture throughout Wisconsin varies in type and the size of the
farm,” said Secretary Nilsestuen. “We look forward to reviewing a
number of diverse petitions for designation of these agricultural
enterprise areas across the state.”

Office of the Secretary 2811 Agriculture Dr., Madison, WI 53718-6777
608/224-5012 FAX 608/224-5034 AEA Release—add one
Petitions must be submitted by February 26, 2010. The department will
evaluate petitions and announce selected AEAs for designation by June
11, 2010.

Farmers and other interested parties can learn more about AEAs and
Wisconsin’s Working Lands Initiative at upcoming workshops scheduled
for late October and early November. More details will be available
shortly from DATCP and the
Wisconsin Towns Association.

For more information or to indicate your interest in submitting a
petition, contact Coreen Fallat at
[email protected] or (608) 224-4625.