CTH VV; West Pioneer Road Reconstruction, Hickory Street to Morris Street Schedule: September 2012 to October 2013 Length: 0.47 miles Cost: $7,538,801.74 Location: Hickory Street to Morris Street, City of Fond du Lac Description: The project involves the reconstruction of CTH VV (Pioneer Road) between Hickory Street and Morris Street with a new grade separation railroad structure (roadway under railroad), constructing a roundabout at the Hickory Street and Morris Street intersections, three retaining walls, and the construction of the Wild Goose Prairie Trail within the project limits. February 25 to March 1: Bridge crew will continue to drive H-Piling on the north abutment for the railroad structure. March 4 to March 8: Bridge crew will finish driving the H-Piling for the railroad structure and start forming the pier and abutments. Traffic impacts: CTH VV (Pioneer Road) will be closed between Hickory Street and Morris Street for the duration of the project. Local traffic will have access to north and south Morris Street throughout the project. Both the Hickory Street and Morris Street intersection will be open to traffic at all times. There will be stages of construction where traffic will only be allowed in certain directions. The contractor will coordinate with residents and businesses prior to any closures. Detour Route: Fond du Lac County will post and maintain a detour during the duration of the project. The detour route for eastbound CTH VV traffic is CTH VV to Military Road/CTH D to USH 151 to Main Street to CTH VV. The westbound detour route will be the reverse of the eastbound detour route. Updates: For updates and more information on other County Highway construction projects, go to the Fond du Lac County highway construction web page at www.fdlco.wi.gov/Index.aspx?page=1112.